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Do You Really Have to Pinch Pennies to Live Frugally? Pinching Pennies Financial Advice

Do You Really Have to Pinch Pennies to Live Frugally?

I’ve always been a penny pincher. In my younger days, I would work summer jobs and basically save everything. Any time I saw a way to save a couple dollars, I jump all over it. For example, I switched to a little know cell-phone provider to cut my bill down. I’ve even been known to […]

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4 minute read

Don’t Fall For These Expensive Tricks When Dining Out Restaurant Bill Budgeting

Don’t Fall For These Expensive Tricks When Dining Out

People love going out to eat. Unfortunately, the pandemic has shut down restaurants everywhere, for the most part. That’s keeping everyone out of these establishments for now. While we wait, most of are finding that we really miss the whole experience. Not only does someone else take care of the cooking and the cleanup, but […]

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5 minute read

Simple Lifestyle Changes That Will Save You Money Woman eating healthy and checking her bank balance Save Money

Simple Lifestyle Changes That Will Save You Money

We often don’t think about the impact that lifestyle can have on our finances. After all, it’s not always intuitive to connect your everyday habits with your pocketbook. However, there are some lifestyle choices that, over time, can add up to a lot of money. If you want to build wealth long-term, it’s not just […]

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4 minute read