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Health and Medical Expenses

5 Medicare Changes Seniors Should Know About Before 2023 Budgeting

5 Medicare Changes Seniors Should Know About Before 2023

Reviewing insurance coverage can be tedious and confusing. However, it’s one of those things you should do every year — even if you’re already enrolled in Medicare. Since there are some changes to Medicare, you might want to make changes to your coverage. Seniors and qualifying individuals can enroll or adjust their Medicare coverage from […]

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Health Insurance for the Self-Employed: Best Options health insurance for self employed workers Insurance

Health Insurance for the Self-Employed: Best Options

One of the scariest things about self-employment is trying to figure out what you will do for healthcare. Not having healthcare can result in incurring steep costs after a medical emergency. For a lot of people on lower or even middle incomes, that can mean going into debt for lifesaving treatments. But you may not […]

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How To Understand (and Deal With) High Hospital Bills Medical and hospital bills Financial Advice

How To Understand (and Deal With) High Hospital Bills

In 2010, a friend of mine entered the hospital with a blood clot in her leg. Nearly three weeks later, doctors discovered that the clot had been cleared up within the first 24 hours. However, other medications they had been giving her were keeping her sick. Despite the fact that my friend’s extended stay was […]

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Short Term Disability Insurance: How Do You Qualify? Short Term Disability Insurance Paperwork Insurance

Short Term Disability Insurance: How Do You Qualify?

Short term disability insurance is a special kind of coverage. As the name implies, it’s meant to replace lost wages during a short period where you are unable to work due to a temporary disabling condition. Payments are made on a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis. Generally, to receive payouts from your plan, you are […]

Read More about Short Term Disability Insurance: How Do You Qualify?

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