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Emergency Fund vs. Available Credit: What Does Financial Security Really Mean? Money Jar Labeled Emergency Fund Financial Advice

Emergency Fund vs. Available Credit: What Does Financial Security Really Mean?

Recently, a good friend asked me for some advice on how to handle an unexpected and expensive car repair. She had enough cash savings to pay for the repair. However, it would pretty much wipe out her recently created emergency fund. My friend was asking if it made sense to put it on her credit […]

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Check The Fine Print of Every New Credit Product For This One Important Word Man Studying Document Credit

Check The Fine Print of Every New Credit Product For This One Important Word

There are a bunch of key words to watch for when you take out any new kind of loan or credit. You probably know the obvious ones. Be aware of phrases like interest rate, APR, minimum payments, default penalties, loan term, and so on. However, you should also scan the fine print for one particular […]

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