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How To Give Your Personal Finances A Tune Up Piggy Bank and Calculator on Top of Finance Report Budgeting

How To Give Your Personal Finances A Tune Up

Knowing where you stand is important. After all, you can’t improve your financial situation unless you understand exactly where you currently are. Having a good sense of your debt, savings, and expenditures — and how to improve in each area — will benefit you in the long run. However, most of us let things slide […]

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6 minute read

How Much Should You Tip? An Etiquette Guide Customer Tipping Waiter in Restaurant Budgeting

How Much Should You Tip? An Etiquette Guide

When it comes to monetary customs, tipping has to be one of the most confounding of all. The practice of giving a gratuity or tip originated in Tudor England (1485-1603). There, overnight guests in private homes were expected to provide a sum of money to the host’s servants. Since then, tipping has become a widely-adopted […]

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7 minute read

Great Ways to Teach Your Children About Money Child Putting Money into Piggy Bank Father is Holding Budgeting

Great Ways to Teach Your Children About Money

Money is a difficult enough subject for committed spouses to discuss. So it’s understandable why many parents might bristle at the idea of bringing the topic up with their kids. Although children are often taught money fundamentals in school, these lessons should begin in the home. Taking a proactive role in your child’s financial education […]

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7 minute read