In today’s ultra-connected world, it’s harder and harder to ensure you’re getting any online privacy. Every major company seems to want your precious data. Where you shop, where you eat, your TV watching habits, your credit score, what you drive, how much money you make, and an endless list of other data points. It’s all to serve the mutli-billion dollar business of getting targeted ads in front of your face.
When it come to finances, things are no different. Credit card companies, banks, and other financial services all want to know more about you and your money. There’s a reason you get unsolicited credit card or loan offers in your mailbox. There’s data out there that suggests you need one. Whether you can actually afford it or not might be a different story, though.
How to Fight Back
Financial experts suggest taking steps to safeguard your financial data. Your online search history when it comes to finances contains some important personal details. Why should you give those away to whichever company is willing to pay Google/Microsoft/Apple/Whoever top dollar for them?
Instead, start browsing in private. We suggest using Startpage, which brands itself “the world’s most private search engine.” Created by a team of engineers from the Netherlands, Startpage still delivers the accurate and relevant Google search results you want. However, they use a proprietary anonymizing process to keep your search results private. They promise to remove all trackers and logs. The result is a search engine where targeted ads don’t follow you around the internet.