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Personal Finance Myths You Should Stop Believing Young woman with extra cash Financial Advice

Personal Finance Myths You Should Stop Believing

Unfortunately, finances are not a subject in which most people get a thorough, practical education. We’re often left to our own devices. As a result, we often make some ill-informed decisions or come to faulty conclusions. Why can’t they just teach us about credit card debt or how to do our taxes in high school? […]

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10 minute read

Lightspeed Trading: The Pros and Cons Lightspeed trading high volume Investing

Lightspeed Trading: The Pros and Cons

When I first heard my friend talk about Lightspeed trading, I immediately thought about high frequency trading. I instinctively assumed that he was talking about those computer trading algorithms. If you’re not aware, they are used to trade stocks at speeds as fast as one-64-millionth of a second. The speed advantage might only be worth […]

Read More about Lightspeed Trading: The Pros and Cons

5 minute read