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Unconventional Financial Resolutions (You Shouldn’t Wait Until January To Make) Resolutions for 2022 Financial Advice

Unconventional Financial Resolutions (You Shouldn’t Wait Until January To Make)

Many people make financial resolutions in January when New Years rolls around. They promise themselves that they will get their finances in shape and manage their money better. But how many of us actually keep these promises? We’re already halfway through the year. How many of those resolutions were you able to keep? There’s certainly […]

Read More about Unconventional Financial Resolutions (You Shouldn’t Wait Until January To Make)

8 minute read

How To Renew Your Commitment to an Emergency Fund Budgeting

How To Renew Your Commitment to an Emergency Fund

At the onset of the current pandemic, everybody was scared. There was plenty of worry that the economy would collapse under the weight of the government lockdowns. It felt like every media outlet was talking about people losing their jobs left and right. It was the first time in a while that many folks began […]

Read More about How To Renew Your Commitment to an Emergency Fund

5 minute read

Why You Should “Close Out” Your Budget Every Month Woman Working on Budget at Desk Budgeting

Why You Should “Close Out” Your Budget Every Month

You hear it a lot. You absolutely need a personal budget. Every financial expert will tell you. There are multiple articles on this very site that help guide you towards building and maintaining a successful budget. You can even download multiple apps to help you out. It’s important! How will you ever feel in control […]

Read More about Why You Should “Close Out” Your Budget Every Month

4 minute read