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Debt Relief

What Actually Happens When You Enter Debt Counseling Couple Getting Professional Debt Counseling Financial Advice

What Actually Happens When You Enter Debt Counseling

Debt is a fact of life for most adults. According to, consumer debt in the U.S. was close to $14 trillion at the end of 2019. Every American household currently carries an average of $8,398 in credit card debt. Additional debts include car loans, mortgages, home equity lines of credit, back taxes, and student […]

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5 minute read

How To Decide Which Of Your Debts To Pay Off First Calculating Debt with Invoices on Wood Floor Budgeting

How To Decide Which Of Your Debts To Pay Off First

Most adults have a variety of debts. It’s just a fact of life for many of us. Consumer debt in the United States stood at just under $14 trillion at the end of 2019, according to the Federal Reserve. And among American consumers today, debt is concentrated in four main areas – mortgages, student loans, […]

Read More about How To Decide Which Of Your Debts To Pay Off First

7 minute read

Why Debt Relief Plans Might Be Better than Debt Consolidation Debt Relief Next Exit Highway Sign Financial Advice

Why Debt Relief Plans Might Be Better than Debt Consolidation

Debt can leave you struggling to keep your head above water. Interest charges keep piling up and creditors start demanding payments. At a certain point, debtors become so saturated that it can seem mathematically impossible to ever become debt-free. People who find themselves in this situation often explore debt consolidation. That essentially combines all your […]

Read More about Why Debt Relief Plans Might Be Better than Debt Consolidation

4 minute read