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Personal Budgeting: Are You Truly Living Within Your Means? Financial Advice

Personal Budgeting: Are You Truly Living Within Your Means?

You probably know that the key to financial success is living within your means. The real question, though, is are you truly doing that? Lots of people think they are living within their means, only to find themselves in deep debt down the road. Then they struggle to figure out how it happened. If you’re only […]

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8 minute read

Do You Really Have to Pinch Pennies to Live Frugally? Pinching Pennies Financial Advice

Do You Really Have to Pinch Pennies to Live Frugally?

I’ve always been a penny pincher. In my younger days, I would work summer jobs and basically save everything. Any time I saw a way to save a couple dollars, I jump all over it. For example, I switched to a little know cell-phone provider to cut my bill down. I’ve even been known to […]

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4 minute read

Couple Finances: Whose Retirement Should You Fund First? Couple planning their finances Financial Advice

Couple Finances: Whose Retirement Should You Fund First?

When it comes to financial priorities as a couple, things can get a little sticky. This is true of retirement funding, as well as in other areas that concern money. That’s why many couples avoid the subject altogether. They just do their own thing when it comes to retirement savings. They set their own savings […]

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5 minute read