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Are You Trying to Appear Richer Than You Are? Financial Advice

Are You Trying to Appear Richer Than You Are?

Readers, I need to tell you a story. It’s about a friend of mine, named Sam. I’ve known Sam for decades — since we were high school freshman together, actually. Unfortunately, Sam has never quite learned what it means to “live within your means.” Or, to say in inversely, Sam consistently lives well beyond his […]

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Tricky Money Questions That All Newlyweds Need to Discuss Young married couple thinking about their financial future Financial Advice

Tricky Money Questions That All Newlyweds Need to Discuss

Becoming engaged and getting married is an exciting time in anyone’s life. Like most couples who begin their lives together, you’re undoubtedly focused on your own version of “happily ever after.” The rush of being newlyweds is a terrific experience. However, don’t let it obscure those other important milestones in your life — the financial ones. […]

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