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Budgeting Your Money

When Couples Should (and Shouldn’t) Combine Their Finances Young couple managing their finances Financial Advice

When Couples Should (and Shouldn’t) Combine Their Finances

Should you or shouldn’t you? When you find yourself married (or just in a serious romantic relationship), the question of how or when to combine your finances is a common one. You’ll have to decide how to best merge your respective finances together — of whether you do it at all. Will all your accounts […]

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9 minute read

Try a Kakeibo Budget To Be More Mindful With Your Money Woman Recording Cash Spent on Notepad Budgeting

Try a Kakeibo Budget To Be More Mindful With Your Money

There are plenty of budgeting methods out there. There’s the envelope method. The 50/30/20 philosophy. There are apps and software programs that help you keep track of it all. No matter which budgeting process works for you, most experts agree that making (and sticking to) a firm budget is paramount to financial success. That being […]

Read More about Try a Kakeibo Budget To Be More Mindful With Your Money

5 minute read

Why You Should “Close Out” Your Budget Every Month Woman Working on Budget at Desk Budgeting

Why You Should “Close Out” Your Budget Every Month

You hear it a lot. You absolutely need a personal budget. Every financial expert will tell you. There are multiple articles on this very site that help guide you towards building and maintaining a successful budget. You can even download multiple apps to help you out. It’s important! How will you ever feel in control […]

Read More about Why You Should “Close Out” Your Budget Every Month

4 minute read