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Seniors Are Earning More Money Thanks To These Remote Jobs

5 minute read

By Ryan Pratt

It may seem as though younger generations are leading the charge when it comes to remote work. However, seniors are increasingly getting in on the action!

Not only does working from home help seniors remain in the workforce for longer, but there are many opportunities that young people aren’t qualified for. Here are remote jobs that seniors are scooping up.

Getting Started

The majority of Americans (55% according to the AARP) plan to work after retirement. This ambition represents a seismic shift for seniors, who are finding more and more opportunities to work remotely.

If you’re a senior who’s looking for a new calling, the first step is determining which strength or passion can be turned into a side income. Have you always enjoyed an artistic pursuit but never had time to market it? Do you have skills from a career in finance or education just going to waste?

Whether you’re looking to freelance your talents via online job boards, or start a brand-new business from home, here are common remote jobs for seniors that can really pay off!


Tax Accountant or Bookkeeper

Fancy yourself a tax wizard? Many people consider that a very profitable skill. Job search sites like Indeed and Glassdoor are full of opportunities to work as a tax accountant, filing personal income taxes for clients.

If you’re a retired C.P.A. or bookkeeper, those credentials can take you a long way in establishing your home business. Many companies outsource their accounting matters to full-charge bookkeepers. This role is dominated by seniors, with 74% over the age of 55.


Chef or Caterer

Delicious food is never undervalued, whether baked goods or savory meals are your specialty. If your kitchen skills are the talk of your social circle, you might want to consider cooking up a side business.

Many chefs work from home, becoming vendors at their local market and selling their confections to nearby restaurants. Customer demand may eventually convince you to expand your ambition, making business cards and perhaps even getting into catering.

Shutterstock: Prostock-studio

Tutor or English Teacher

Tutoring is a growing industry, as parents take a more active role in the educational development of their children. Many of these opportunities are remote, allowing you to connect with your students over video-chat. The average tutor in the U.S. makes $24.11 per hour.

Strengths in mathematics and sciences can make you a very popular tutor, but a love of languages can make you a highly skilled english tutor. Teaching english as a second language is a profession unto itself, with annual salaries averaging around $46,905.

Shutterstock: VGstockstudio

Life Coach

If your credentials are vast and not confined to a particular discipline, you may also find a calling as a life coach. Age brings wisdom, and some people need guidance when it comes to professional, personal, or fitness growth.

You can develop your business independently if you have a large social circle. Otherwise, you can seek out positions that are in line with your specific strengths. Plus, with software like Zoom available, you can meet with potential clients from around the world.


Writer or Blogger

Do you have a lifelong love for the written word? Finding an audience for your writing is far easier than it was decades ago, thanks to blogging platforms and social media. Perhaps it’s time for you to share your writing with the world.

You can create a website dedicated to any area of focus – such as travel, personal wellness, or cooking – and build your readership. Alternatively, you can become a freelance copywriter and write articles for websites. There are many full-time and part-time copywriting opportunities to fit your schedule.

Shutterstock: Stock-Asso

Consultant or Translator

A lifetime of business insights can be invaluable to a company, whether your career expertise was focused in finance, human resources, operations, or IT. Becoming a consultant would depend on your skillset, leading to anything from advisory roles in operations to risk management on financial matters.

Translation is another desirable asset in the business world. If you are fluent in another language, you can advise companies on their international correspondence and contracts. Translators earn a nationwide average of $21.29 per hour.


Customer Service Representative or Receptionist

Being a customer service representative offers significant perks for seniors. You can interact with lots of customers each day – and better yet, it can be done from home.

A phone, internet, and computer are all you need to fashion a call center atmosphere from a corner of your home! Remote customer service representatives earn an average annual salary of $37,444.

Even the role of receptionist, which many equate with front-line service, can be found in the remote work sphere. Receptionists work from home in a variety of sectors, scheduling meetings, fielding calls and emails, plus other administrative duties.

DisobeyArt / Shutterstock

Where To Find Work

Finding remote work is easier than ever before, thanks to job boards that are designed to connect home-based trades with employers. Flexjobs is an online job website that deals exclusively in remote job opportunities. Better yet, each job listing is hand-picked by Flexjob staff to ensure the website has no scams or false listings.

The most common occupations needed on Flexjobs include web developers, data entry clerks, writers, tutors, and consultants – just to name a few. Be aware that Flexjob charges a fee for its services, but many applicants who are new to remote work find it an enormous help.

Shutterstock: Evgeny Atamanenko

How Much Do You Want To Invest?

Before you choose your next career, decide how much time and resources you want to invest. It’s important to ask yourself what kind of hours you want to work, and how much money you want to make. If you’re intent on working at your own pace, collaborating with other companies may infringe on your schedule.

Whatever you decide, there are resources available to help you get started. For home business owners, the U.S. Small Business Association can help you plan and execute your goals. For remote workers, there are many job search sites that can help you find a rewarding profession.


Ryan Pratt



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