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Overdraft Fees

The 12 Stupidest Fees That You Should Never Pay Save Money

The 12 Stupidest Fees That You Should Never Pay

If you’ve been paying attention lately, it certainly feels like the cost of… well, everything, has been going up lately. And while goods and services do typically cost more over time due to inflation, that’s not the only thing attacking your budget these days. For many people, it’s all the extra fees. Fees in places […]

Read More about The 12 Stupidest Fees That You Should Never Pay

10 minute read

How to Avoid Sneaky Credit Card Fees Woman Shocked by Monthly Statement Credit

How to Avoid Sneaky Credit Card Fees

You should already know that credit card companies use fees and interest rates to make money. In fact, there has already been a lot of press about how many companies set minimum payments that are too low for individuals to ever pay off their debts. Consumers should know to watch out for that trick, but there are other sneaky fees to look for before applying for a credit card. Learning about them will help you avoid additional fees and higher interest rates.

Read More about How to Avoid Sneaky Credit Card Fees

6 minute read