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What To Do If Your Employer Suddenly Stops Paying You Man Opening Empty Wallet Make Money

What To Do If Your Employer Suddenly Stops Paying You

We all look forward to payday. In a lot of cases, it can’t come soon enough. There’s always a mountain of bills and financial obligations that need to be paid. So you can imagine how stressful it would be if payday just… didn’t happen one day. It’s rare, but what can you do if an […]

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Here Are Some Fun Part-Time Jobs For Retirees Woman Walking Dogs on Nature Trail Make Money

Here Are Some Fun Part-Time Jobs For Retirees

There’s more to retirement jobs than being a greeter at Walmart. A growing number of people are unretiring and looking to re-enter the workforce. Sometimes it’s for financial reasons, but it’s also often out of boredom. Or just to stay active and socialize. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of American above […]

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7 minute read

What To Do If Your Employer Stops Contributing To Your 401(k) 401K Savings Coin Jar and Money Stack Investing

What To Do If Your Employer Stops Contributing To Your 401(k)

Employer contributions to your 401(k) retirement accounts are a big deal. Not only do they help you save for eventual retirement, but they also help organizations attract and retain talent. According to Fidelity Investments, the average 401(k) employer match in the United States reached a record level of 4.7% in 2019. That match increased the […]

Read More about What To Do If Your Employer Stops Contributing To Your 401(k)

5 minute read

How To Properly Calculate Benefits Into A Job Offer Business Man Offering Hand Shake Make Money

How To Properly Calculate Benefits Into A Job Offer

Human resources executives call it “total compensation.” If you’ve never heard the term before, it refers to the overall value that comes with a job. It includes benefits, perks, vacation time, and anything else that goes over-and-above your regular salary or wages. It could even include something as small as reimbursement for a gym membership. […]

Read More about How To Properly Calculate Benefits Into A Job Offer

8 minute read