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How to Save Money on Your Cable or Internet Bill as a Senior Older Couple Shocked by Cable Costs Save Money

How to Save Money on Your Cable or Internet Bill as a Senior

Most seniors want to hang onto their legacy TV service and package it in with their home internet. But, telecom companies often have complicated offers. However, there are several ways to save money while keeping services that are important. Stop Paying For Channels You Never Watch As television matured, it evolved past the original large […]

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4 minute read

How to Save on Your Internet and Cable Bill Woman Yelling While Looking at Bill Save Money

How to Save on Your Internet and Cable Bill

A growing number of telecommunications providers are offering cable and internet bundles, which provide both services for a fixed monthly price. Yet, despite the convenience and savings these plans claim to offer, a lot of people are unhappy with their service—and they’re even less happy about the price they pay for it. If you’re in […]

Read More about How to Save on Your Internet and Cable Bill

4 minute read