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Financial Red Flags You Need To Address By Age 40 Woman Celebrating 40th Birthday with Friends Budgeting

Financial Red Flags You Need To Address By Age 40

Turning 40 is a milestone in anyone’s life. When your forties begin, you are officially entering middle age. That means you are no longer a “young adult.” You’re definitely not a kid anymore, so time to act like it — financially, at least. You really should have your financial affairs in order by the time […]

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5 minute read

Financial Resolutions to Make For 2020 (and How to Stick To Them) Stacked Coins with 2020 on Top Budgeting

Financial Resolutions to Make For 2020 (and How to Stick To Them)

The year 2020 is almost here. With it comes not only a New Year, but also a whole new decade. What better time to get your financial affairs in order? We know that most of you have probably made financial resolutions in the past. You’ve also most likely broke them. According to a study conducted […]

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8 minute read

Car Shopping Tips for People with Bad Credit Couple Car Shopping at Dealership Auto Loans

Car Shopping Tips for People with Bad Credit

Having a low credit rating can have a profound effect on your financial life, especially when it comes to making major purchases. Banks, credit unions, and other traditional lenders will usually balk at your business, leaving you with a narrow range of options that carry higher interest rates and other disadvantageous terms. Many dealerships promote […]

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4 minute read