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Which Cloud Computing Solutions Are The Most Affordable And Popular In 2023?

4 minute read

By Ryan Pratt

Cloud computing providers can help employers and employees secure high levels of data while reducing IT costs. Having said that, each business has unique needs and there isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. So, which cloud is the right fit for you?

Whether you’re part of a startup, a large enterprise, or another type of institution, let’s explore the most affordable and popular cloud computing solutions in 2023.

Cloud Computing, Simplified

Cloud computing solutions provide various IT services and resources over the internet, which can be accessed on-demand. These services are becoming critical for any business or institution that wants to store and manage their data with greater ease.

Some businesses, like medical and educational facilities, require greater security in order to protect sensitive data. A typical cloud computing solution may include firewalls, intrusion detection, and data encryption to secure data in the cloud.

Companies with sensitive data may enlist a backup or disaster recovery service. These options help organizations ensure the availability and integrity of their data in the event of a major service disruption.

Essential Cloud Services

The following cloud computing services allow organizations to access IT resources without having to make large capital expenditures for hardware, software, and infrastructure. They can scale their usage up or down as needed. Here are essential services that most businesses want:

  • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): in which virtualized computing resources, such as servers, storage, and networking, are provided over the internet
  • Platform as a Service (PaaS): in which a platform for developing, testing, and deploying applications is provided, without the need for managing infrastructure.
  • Software as a Service (SaaS): in which software applications are provided through a web browser or mobile app, eliminating the need for software installation and maintenance.

Companies only pay for what they use, providing greater flexibility and cost savings. For this reason, the following companies offer the most accommodating pricing.

Amazon Web Services

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is one of the largest and most widely used cloud computing platforms in the world. Its cloud capabilities include a global network of data centers, security features, and networking services.

The infrastructure AWS provides is scalable and highly secure, ensuring the safety of all applications and data. The package features computing capacity, storage, analytics, virtual networks, as well as database and AI services. Plus, AWS provides customers with the ability to pay for only the resources they use on a pay-as-you-go approach.

Google Cloud Platform

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is a cloud computing platform and infrastructure that offers the same services as Amazon, but using Google technology. While AWS has been in the market for a longer time, GCP has caught up in a hurry, offering everything from computing and storage solutions to database and network management.

Google has built a loyal following, thanks to its integration with services like GoogleMaps and Google Drive. As such, their focus on machine learning and big data might distinguish them from the competition.

Much like AWS, the cost of using GCP depends on the specific services you use and the chosen pricing model for your needs. Thankfully, you can use the Google Cloud Platform pricing calculator to see if this service suits your budget.

Microsoft Azure

Essentially an extension of Office 365, Microsoft’s cloud platform offers resource management, diagnostics, and deployment through the Azure portal. For businesses working with sensitive data, it also features identity and access management, as well as encryption and threat protection.

Azure’s integration with Microsoft technologies makes it an attractive option for many businesses that already use Windows Server and .NET. Alternatively, Azure has hybrid cloud capabilities that allow organizations to extend their on-premises infrastructure to the cloud. The company has a pay-as-you-go model, but offers discounts for long-term commitments.

Which Option Is Best?

These three cloud computing providers control 61 percent of the world’s cloud infrastructure. Yes, there are many alternative providers, such as IBM and Alibaba, but Amazon, Google, and Microsoft have the most persuasive packages.

In any case, your specific business needs will determine which of these companies is the best fit. All of these cloud providers offer similar services, but they also have distinct strengths and weaknesses. Which features best suit your business model? Be sure to research each one carefully.

Cloud Computing For Less

No matter which services you choose, these cloud computing solutions can reduce IT, infrastructure, and hardware costs while improving the protection of your data. As a result, the budget savings and increased workplace productivity can make a big difference to your company’s bottom line.

How much can you save? One study finds that companies save an average of 15 percent on all IT costs by moving to the cloud. Meanwhile, Amazon claims that increased efficiency through their AWS leads to an average cost savings of 31 percent. While the change may take time and effort, migrating to the cloud could very well be the solution for your data needs.

Shutterstock: Nanthaphiphat watto

Ryan Pratt



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